The PASTORALP project After-LIFE plan
The After-LIFE Plan of the PASTORALP project sets out the way the project team intends to continue disseminating and communicating the project results after its completion as well as to encourage and ensure their wider application and official adoption. The Plan presents project’s objectives and scope and provides an assessment of the situation at the end of the project. Moreover, it provides a comprehensive description of the after-LIFE objectives and methodological approach and relevant target groups. Lastly, it presents in a tabular manner the resources dedicated to each action per beneficiary responsible and the timetable according to which the after-LIFE activities will be executed for an indicative period of up to five years beyond project completion.
Read the After-LIFE Plan of the PASTORALP project
a joint position paper promoted by LIFE PASTORALP project
This document was produced by the representatives of 9 LIFE projects (LIFE PASTORALP, LIFE AGRICOLTURE, LIFE GRACE, LIFE IMAGINE, LIFE MIDMACC, LIFE REGENERATE, LIFE SHEPFORBIO, LIFE XEROGRAZING, LIFE CLIMAMED) and 1 “NOT-LIFE” project (SUSALPS) who were invited to join a hands-on workshop held during the final conference of LIFE PASTORALP project. All these projects deal with pastoral systems and global challenges representing different environments ranging from the Alps to the Mediterranean mountains.
This joint position paper is primarily aimed at providing concrete examples and ideas to address the issues found within the projects’ activities, using the opportunities “already on the table”. The authors did not want to just make a list of issues: instead, strong efforts were made to merge experiences, knowledge and results from these projects, trying to suggest ways of addressing the challenges, knowing that likely only a few of the examples could represent viable solutions.
Presentations used in the Aosta project seminar – December 16, 2022
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The activity mainly concerned the management aspects of the alpages, focusing on climate change perception and its effects determined on pastures and animals, both in relation to the alpage season, grazing and haymaking activities in the valley floor. All the different problems noticed by the breeders in carrying out their activities were investigated in a more comprehensive way. Starting from each breeder’s considerations, they were asked to try to find possible solutions for the future.
The Europeanisation of scientific research and the transformation of collaborations in sustainability science. The LIFE PASTORALP case-study. Anais Degache (IRSTEA). The document summarizes a qualitative sociological study carried out between February and July 2019 so as to situare the transformations of inter-transdisciplinary collaborations in their transition towards a European framework.