A themed day on Climate Change
The information point of the Ecrins National Park in Châteauroux-les-Alpes welcomed on Thursday 1st December the Alpages Sentinelles annual meeting as well as the Training Seminar of the Life Pastoralp project. French and italian scientists, farmers, technical institutes, elected officials and shepherds met to discuss on the climate change issue in the Alps.
More than thirty stakeholders from the Ecrins National Park and from Italy came to this event. Throughout the day, the two projects’ overviews and results were developed and initiated discussion on climate change adaptations between the stakeholders. Dialogue on climate change is especially relevant after the weather events of 2022.
An assessment of 2022 with Alpages Sentinelles
The Ecrins National Park (PNE), the CERPAM and Olivier Senn, an ecologist, presented an overview of the 2022 weather, alpine pasture’s vegetation’s state and sherpherds’ take on the territory of the PNE. 2022 was described as a hot, dry year with an early spring.
The PNE debriefed the exchanges with the shepherds on the Alpages Sentinelles program held during the summer. Following that presentation, the analysis of the program’s data was shared by INRAE.
This morning was rich in exchanges and reflections on adaptations to climate change in alpine pastures and on the relevance of the Alpages Sentinelles data.
An afternoon reflecting the progress made in the Life Pastoralp Project
Following the overview of Alpages Sentinelles in the PNE, the meeting touched on the results of Life Pastoralp. This Training Seminar was the last french-hosted event of this European project before the final seminar in spring 2023.
The Life Pastoralp platform, and all the data produced during this 4-year project and displayed on it, was demonstrated by the University of Florence. The CNRS and the IAR (Regional Agricultural Institute of the Aoste Valley) laid out their latest research and results on the vegetation’ s vulnerability regarding climate change. The CERPAM complemented their work by presenting its evaluations of the alpine pastures vulnerability toward climate change.
This day was a success thank to the richness of discussion and the diversity of stakeholders present, thank you all for coming to this event!