workshop for learning how to use satellite data for producing digital maps: Pastoralp as case study

From 13 to 16 October 2021 the Earth Technology EXPO took place at the Fortezza da Basso of Florence. On Friday 15, in the “workshop with hands-on training geospatial intelligence for mapping land and water change”, a session was held entitled “Training with Hands-On: Using Google Earth Engine data and algorithms for mapping earth features

The PASTORALP project has been presented at the China-EU Expert Dialogue

Today, May 26, 2021, Camilla Dibari participated at the China-EU Expert Dialogue on “Improve Joint Monitoring and Modeling between Biodiversity Conversation and Climate Action”, an event organized by the Delegation of the European Union to the People’s Republic of China. In her speech, entitled “Reducing the Vulnerability of Alpine Pastures: the PASTORALP LIFE Project”, Dibari

Pastoralp is included among the european good practices in alpine grasslands management

In April 2021, the LIFE project OREKA MENDIAN published a booklet of good practices showcasing 31 inspiring examples for the sustainable management of mountain grasslands gathered across 18 European countries. These good practices will inspire farmers, breeders and other local actors to increase the biodiversity of mountain grasslands, tackled climate change impacts and better market

PastorAlp project at the Assises Euro-Alpine du Pastoralisme

On Thursday 8 October, in Grenoble, Camilla Dibari presented our project in the workshop “Les Alpes et l’elevage pastoral, Laboratories de transition”, within the Assises Euro-Alpines du Pastoralisme. The title of the speech was: “Projet Life Pastoralp Vulnérabilité des pâturages et stratégies d’adaptation aux impacts du changement climatique dans les Alpes, Parc National du Grand